Question #1:
In her essay Marquez says that the reason she and her family speak their native tongue in public places is not because they are being rude or want alienate anyone; it’s because it’s a matter of respect to her parents and for their own comfort in their cultural roots. She says that it’s not that they are un-American-in fact her family has been here for over 40 years, and that they do understand and speak the English language. They just choose to converse in their native tongue to keep their traditions and culture alive. I say that is part of what being an American is. Being able to have the freedom to live in this country and still keep the culture that you were born into to. Like she says in one paragraph “Being an American has very little to do with what language we use during our free time in a free country."
The second part of the question asks what fear does she acknowledge on the part of those who don’t speak Spanish? Simple-people think they are talking about them and might consider it rude. She responds by saying that her family understands that English is the common language, and that to get ahead in this country one should speak English. But she also says that they shouldn’t have to stop speaking their native tongue as if ashamed of who they are and where they are from. She goes on to tell how throughout our nations history immigrants have always kept their native language alive and how this country has always tolerated it. In fact in the 1800’s German ballots were printed in Pennsylvania. Again they should not have to forget their language and their heritage. I liked the part where she said that she does not tolerate it if there is a person who only speaks English in the group and the others start talking in Spanish.
I am married to someone from another country and he speaks his language when he is with our friends most of whom happen to be from that same part of the world. Interestingly they do not all speak the same language but are able to understand each other. And they do switch between their language(s) and English. And like Marquez they ask me if it bothers me and if I mind. At first I would get annoyed but after 26 years it does not bother me at all. I am able to understand the language and their kids are able to speak and understand. They are continuing their culture-but they also know that it is because of this country they have become what they are and it is because of this country they have the freedom to speak and talk as they wish. And I can say with experience “they are not talking about you.”
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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